Sunday 2 March 2014

Crazy Going Slowly Am I!

The last two weeks have definitely been crazy and challenging!  Our 16 year old has been pushing boundaries to the extreme.  As if last semester wasn't crazy enough with her not turning in ANY assignments and then been given the chance to make up the ENTIRE semester in the last week!  A phone call to the school explaining how I felt they were doing her a disservice by giving her this opportunity (anybody know of a post-secondary institution that allows students to do this?) and how it just reinforces her behavior.  I also told them that I don't think that she should be granted her credits (natural consequences) but of course they did!  I was so frustrated!  How can we teach her to be a contributing, responsible member of society if society is always bending to her!  New semester starts and here's her chance for a new start.  Well it went something like this, "I forgot it was Monday", "I have a spare (funny that's not what her schedule says, which means she broke one of the family rules - If you are going to lie, it has to be believable!)" and the best yet - "I was in class the school must be lying".  Last week she only missed 6 classes (that I know of!) so I guess that's not too bad!

The 13 year old was injured in a basketball game while we were gone and after a visit to the walk in was told "no activity" for 10-12 days which was super awesome considering I had just paid an exorbitant amount of money on a football training camp that he now CAN'T participate in!!!  A nice reprieve from the 6 days a week driving him to and from games etc but a kick in the now empty pocketbook at the same time.

Our oldest headed out of town for two weeks leaving behind her dog (her baby) and her rabbit for me to care for, with a huge list of instructions (the ultimate trust test!).  Considering how allergic I am to the rabbit I wasn't too sure how this was going to go!  The first few days the rabbit wasn't too bad (formerly known as "killer bun bun") until I texted my daughter to say we are almost of out of pellets.  Well I found out that he only gets pellets once a week, that was the end of his being nice!  I could hear him thinking every day I went in there to feed him his hay and apples, "I don't want this crap!  Where's my pellets?" as he attacked me with his claws! Return of killer bun bun!

Looks can be so deceiving!

As a foster parent there are a few things that we never say aloud (or try not to think!) and that is, "Things are going smoothly" because POOF! a bomb will drop!  Birth mom is considering moving back to the city and wants increased access to the kids!  Lucky for us we have a terrific social worker who is on the same page as me and will make decisions based on the kids' best interest.

The youngest one has taken on my saying (which I thoroughly regret saying!) and has been spending time in the "take a break" chair for announcing (with head shake and hip out) "I win, you lose" for EVERYTHING. This past week saying it full of attitude and SNOT!  We made it to this point of the winter with no major illness but it has come to an end!

Little one and I fell hard this week, fever, cough and snot!  We were one hot, sexy mess!  By the end of the week the dreaded MAN COLD had arrived with the most terrifying words to any mom and wife, "I'm sick". THE END OF THE WORLD HAS COME!!!!

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